Cleo Lawrence Safeguarding Consultant In Safeguarding Everything You Do
Can Make a

Додаток Gold Cup

Якщо гравець націлений на те, щоб запускати азартні розваги за допомогою мобільного пристрою, то найпростіший спосіб це зробити – використовувати додаток Золотий Кубок для смартфонів та планшетів. Щоб скористатися офіційним програмним забезпеченням, варто виконати декілька простих дій:

  1. відкрити офіційний вебсайт онлайн казино на своєму мобільному пристрої;
  2. клацнути на кнопку відкриття меню, де є спеціальний розділ, присвячений мобільному софту;
  3. обрати варіант додатка Золотий Кубок казино в залежності від конкретного варіанту операційної системи – Android чи iOS;
  4. натиснути на кнопку завантаження та дочекатися на завершення процесу встановлення.

Після того, як гравець натисне на значок додатка у своєму пристрої, відкриється повністю адаптована під Андроїд та Айфон версія онлайн казино Золотий Кубок. Гравець побачить той самий набір функцій, що й у випадку оригінального сайту. На екрані буде відображено звичне меню. За необхідності, можна одразу пройти реєстрацію або увійти в той обліковий запис, що був зареєстрований раніше. Користуватися додатком без наявного акаунту – неможливо.


Years of Experience


Safeguarding Consultancy

Cleo is a safeguarding consultant who is passionate about improving the outcomes for children and families through developing practice, culture, and relationship-based change. As a safeguarding consultant, Cleo can offer:


A safe confidential space to discuss thoughts, feeling and practice 

Safeguarding Advice & Consultation

It can sometimes be helpful to seek external advice on safeguarding cases and systems.

Safeguarding Audits

Safeguarding audits using a systemic lens to explore your practice

Training and Workshops

Evidenced-based Training and Interactive workshop to enrich a Learning Culture

About Cleo

About Cleo

Cleo is a highly motivated, tenacious individual who has a strong passion for working with children, young people, and families. She has a strong academic history with over twenty-five years of work experience that revolves around families. This includes working with complex families. Supported in multi-agency frameworks.

 In addition to working with families, she has supported professionals and organizations to safeguard children including in some of the most challenging circumstances. Cleo has extended her experience to include working in and with education services. (Both State and Independent)

Cleo is industrious, committed and focused on promoting positive outcomes for all children. This includes engaging in relevant training, keeping abreast of changes and updates to legislation and policy to maintain good practice.

Cleo is a highly motivated, tenacious individual who has a strong passion for working with children, young people and families. She has a strong academic history with over twenty-five years work experience that revolves around families. This includes working with complex families, supported in multi agency frameworks.

 In addition to working with families, she has supported professionals and organizations to safeguard children including in some of the most challenging circumstances. Cleo has extended her experience to include working in and with education services. (Both State and Independent)

Cleo is industrious, committed and focused on promoting positive outcomes for all children. This includes engaging in relevant training, keeping abreast of changes and updates to legislation and policy to maintain good practice.



Social Worker

Trainee Family Therapist(Msc Family Therapy)

Practice Educator


Cleo has worked in children's Services for over 25 years, across all thresholds (including but not limited to)

Cleo can support your organization to use a trauma informed lens to support their safeguarding practice

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